World Association of International Studies -- WAIS

by Ronald Hilton see WAIS Site at Stanford University Your comments are invited. Read the home page of the World Association of International Studies (WAIS) by simply double-clicking above or go to: E-mail to Mail to Ronald Hilton, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. Please inform us of any change of e-mail address.

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Monday, July 19, 2004

FW: Troops in Iraq

This comes from General Michael Sullivan, with the comment "First time I've seen these figures". Subject: Troops from the Coalition of the Willing BY THE NUMBERS 06/21/04 Troops in Iraq Which countries have provided military support United States 130,000 Britain 12,000 Albania 70 Australia 1,000 Azerbaijan 150 Bulgaria 470 Czech Rep. 92 Denmark 496 Dominican Rep. 300 El Salvador 360 Estonia 55 Georgia 70 Hungary 300 Italy 3,000 Japan 1,000 Kazakhstan 25 Latvia 120 Lithuania 105 Macedonia 28 Moldova 25 Mongolia 180 Netherlands 1,100 New Zealand 60 Nicaragua 230 Norway 150 Philippines 95 (175 on the way) Poland 2,400 Portugal 130 Romania 400 Singapore 200 Slovakia 69 (120 on the way) South Korea 675 (3,000 on the way) Thailand 443 (30 on the way) Ukraine 2,000 Sources: Reuters news reports/ RH: How many of these countries are receiving US financial support for their toops?