FW: A little perspective from Michael Moore
In the spirit of July 4, Peter Orne writes: "From my perspective, this Michael Moore must be gotten rid of. He threatens the material freedoms of the few by psychotropically dosing the masses everywhere with hocus-pocus imagery and factual fantasia. Not since the 1960s have we seen such an LSD feast. Mr. Moore is a threat to entrenched governmental structures and private incorporations everywhere working anonymously or unchallenged to carry out their global business, financial, technological, cultural, military, and religious activities that have worked so well to build social capital in our communities, protect our local air and water quality, make our schools safe for children, care for our sick and elderly, pay for our Masterpiece Theatre, and otherwise redirect the natural resources, wealth, spirit and health of the developing world to a deserving few of our neighbors (only 1 out of 125 Americans is a millionaire). Moore's cultural shenanigans constitute a world direct threat to the underpinnings of ideological conservatism and its superior moral justification for selfishness. He is an anti-capitalist. He is Un-American. He is a terrorist. Worst of all, he is anti-firearms. We must work together to widely discredit him, to dishonor him, make him be seen to speak lies, and heckle and boo-hoo him at all future awards ceremonies at which his corrupted cultural products have made waves. Quite simply, Mr. Moore must be snuffed out and made to return to his home state of Michigan, or, even better, to any one of those electoral red states on the electoral map for cultural retraining and free season tickets to the National Football League. Mr. Moore's distribution outlets must be dismantled. We will accomplish this together. We will refuse to see his movies and buy his books. We will burn his books and support our troops. We will keep our troops on the battlefield and forbid them to read his books, watch TV, listen to the radio, and otherwise distract them from surfing the Web by continuing to supply the Iraqi regime with weapons. Above all, we will keep our sitting President and his ministers in office. If necessary, we will orchestrate a blackout or stage an Act of Terror. Each one of us will act locally by sliding a knife across movie screens around the United States and the world until we have succeeded in shutting down this Fahrenheit spectacle. In this effort, we will reinvigorate our collective memory of the seminal event we hold dear: the hallowed December 2000 decision of the five patriotic Supreme Court Justices who set Floridians free and let freedom ring across our great land".
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