National Public Radio: can it be saved?
Our commercial television is largely one big billboard. Thank heavens for C-Span and public broadcasting- From Paris, David Pike writes: "On NPR's Morning Edition, Nina Tottenberg said that if the Supreme Court supports Congress, it is in effect the end of the >National Public Radio (NPR), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) & the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). PBS, NPR and the arts are facing major cutbacks in funding. In spite of the efforts of each station to reduce spending costs and streamline their services, some government officials believe that the funding currently going to these programs is too large a portion of funding for something which is seen as not worthwhile.The only way that our representatives can be aware of the base of support for PBS and funding for these types of programs is by making our voices heard Please add your name to this list and forward it to friends who believe in what this stands for. This list will be forwarded to the President and the Vice President of the United States. Please add your name to the petition.". RH: This came without any petition, but it seems to me a worthy cause whose cost is relatively small.
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