World Association of International Studies -- WAIS

by Ronald Hilton see WAIS Site at Stanford University Your comments are invited. Read the home page of the World Association of International Studies (WAIS) by simply double-clicking above or go to: E-mail to Mail to Ronald Hilton, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. Please inform us of any change of e-mail address.

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Thursday, July 01, 2004

Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon, OPENING MEXICO

From Mexico, Alejo Orvanos comments on the review of Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon, OPENING MEXICO : "Carlos Salinas de Gortari is no longer living in Dublin. He returned to Mexico City a few months ago, lives here and is active as a "commentator on public life in Mexico". He participates as a speaker now and then in events such as the Harvard Alumni meetings and others. He is interviewed by the media occasionally and is considered a politico with influence, specially among the "technocrat" group of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional. Manuel Bartlett, who in 1988 was Secretario de Gobernacin (Interior Minister) and responsible for the "fall of the system" that gave the presidency to Carlos Salinas instead of the apparent winner Cuauhtemoc Cárdenas is a senator, elected in 2,000 for six years and is very active promoting his opposition to the "privatization" of Pemex and the Comisin Federal de Electricidad, both state run monopolies. Bartlett appears a lot in the media and considers himself a keeper of Mexican sovereignty over our natural energy resources against the "imperialism" of private and foreign investment in energy generation and oil exploration and refining".