RE: Springtime for Hitler FOOTNOTE
Randy's Russian wife said that "she was never told that Americans were a danger to the USSR and that she does not recall any Soviet-era movies that vilified the USA. "The USSR never produced a movie named, "The Americans are coming, The Americans are coming." ( cf. "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming," the 1966 US comedy involving a Soviet submarine and some folks in Maine). Since Soviet propaganda was so anti-American when I was in the USSR, I asked if Cameron Sawyer in Moscow could verify what Randy's wife said. Randy counters: "Cameron Sawyer was not born, was not raised, nor educated in the Soviet Union in the 60s-80s as was my wife. I have learned one thing about my wife's word: She does not embellish or exaggerate events in her life experiences. If she states that the Soviets were not taught that the US was the villain planning attacks on the USSR, you can go to the bank and borrow money on her word. On the other hand, she states that they were always prepared for invaders from any sources, the US included among many. In her schooling, she was definitely not taught to fear America. Many other nations attacked or attempted to invade the USSR, from the Finns and Germany in the 1930s to the Chinese in the 1960s". RH: The way to solve this issue would be to look at Soviet textbooks of the period. I have on my desk Dana Lindaman and Kyle Ward, History Lessons. How textbooks from around the world portray US History. Russian sources are included, but I assume they are of the post-Soviet period. The authors may have some comments. I have also a copy of International Textbook Research, published in Germany. I am copying this to the editor, Dr. Wolfgang Höpken. I would be most grateful for any comments he wishes to make. Has his journal published any articles on the subject? Since there is a reference to movies, perhaps someone familiar with Soviet films has a comment. As for Cameron Sawyer in Moscow, he has many friends who lived through the Soviet period. They may have comments. "The Russians Are Coming" was a farce which I did not take seriously.
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