RE: Springtime for Hitler
Randy Black lived in Omsk and married a Russian. They and her mother now live in Texas. He writes: "Mr. Jones post almost causes me to feel sorry for Adolph Hitler and the Germans. How could I have ever disliked Âgood old Adolph? The man that directly caused the deaths of millions of Europeans for no other reason that the God whom they worshipped is certainly to be pitied. I suppose I should tell my mother-in-law to revise her thoughts on Âthe phenomenon Adolph Hitler. She and her parents survived by eating tree bark, boiling grass and hiding in a hole in the ground for weeks in their region of western Russia after the Germans destroyed everything in their path during the invasion. IÂll tell her it was not really an invasion but simply the Germans in search of a new vacation destination.
IÂll run downstairs right now and tell her that Hitler was Âa sympathetic person. Thanks for correcting my misconceptions of Âthe phenomenon Hitler, Mr. Jones".
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