Re: Media making news instead of reporting it
Mike Sullivan was appalled by newspmen who tried to rent a helicopter to test airport security. I said I agreed with Mike, but that no reputable print journalist would get involved in such antics. From the UK. John Heelan writes: "Unfortunately there are many journalists working for the UK's gutter press who make their (dis)reputation by indulging in such antics. In the last year, I can recall journalists posing as servants of the Royal Household, attempting to get onto aircraft carrying sharp implements, conducting sex/drug sting operations on so-called celebrities and so on. Not ethical but sells newspapers!" RH: John is right, I was appalled by the newsman who got a job at Buckingham Palace and then published a crude account of the daily life of the royal family. Whatever happened to him? The British libel laws are strict, but I do not know about the privacy laws. The UK has more than its share of gutter press, but I reaffirm my statement about "reputable print journalist".
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