World Association of International Studies -- WAIS

by Ronald Hilton see WAIS Site at Stanford University Your comments are invited. Read the home page of the World Association of International Studies (WAIS) by simply double-clicking above or go to: E-mail to Mail to Ronald Hilton, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. Please inform us of any change of e-mail address.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bob Crow returns from Europe

Bob Crow returns from Europe: "I am back from France, Budapest and Prague and from California's High Sierras.  In Europe, we met with unfailing courtesy and friendliness -- no hint of anti-Americanism.  However, we found no sympathy with the Bush administration's foreign policy, which was regarded with some combination of bewilderment, fear and derision.  Several people -- Germans and French -- wanted to know why the U.S. had learned so little from Vietnam. The squirrels and bears in the Sierras were noncommittal". RH:  We look forward to a more detailed report.