World Association of International Studies -- WAIS

by Ronald Hilton see WAIS Site at Stanford University Your comments are invited. Read the home page of the World Association of International Studies (WAIS) by simply double-clicking above or go to: E-mail to Mail to Ronald Hilton, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. Please inform us of any change of e-mail address.

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Location: Bratislava, EU, Slovakia

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

CUBA T-34 tanks and automobiles

Dwight Peterson says: "If the Cubans can keep all of those beautiful 1950 & 1960 automobiles running smoothly on their roads all these years, one can only assume that  their T-34 tanks are in mint mechanical condition". RH: A TV program took us on a tour of Havana. There were vintage cars everywhere, but I did not see a single poster of Castro. It may have been a coincidence. And, of course, no tanks.

Your comments are invited. Read the home page of the World Association of International Studies (WAIS) by simply double-clicking on:
E-mail to Mail to Ronald Hilton, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 94305-6010. Please inform us of any change of e-mail address.