World Association of International Studies -- WAIS

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Friday, July 23, 2004

THE WALL: the Zionist domination of America

This comes from Christopher Jones. It cannot simply be dismissed as antisemitism. It represents world opinion. Again the US representative was alone and isolated in voting against the resolution condemning Israel's action, and in Washington government spokesmen abruptly dismissed the matter. saying it should never have been brought before the court. Christopher says: "If there were ever any doubts that the US has lost its independence to Israel, last night's newscasts put them to rest. In response to the decision by the international tribunal in the Hague that Israel's "security barrier" (note the absence of the word "wall" -- bad public relations) was illegal and should be torn down because it constituted a land grab, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the darling of such luminaries like Graydon Carter, editor of Condé Nast's publication Vanity Fair, stated that the Jewish state should ignore the measure. She hoped that it would not go the the UN general Assembly and in the end she repeated that now rather frayed sound bite: every nation (I believe she added liberal democracy) has the right to defend its people.

I wonder how Senator Clinton would react if Mexico or Canada built a wall inside US territory to protect their peoples from the pernicious gabachos? Doesn't this member of the upper house realize that Israel invaded and conquered the West Bank in 1967 and that the wall is located inside Palestinian territory and recognized as such by the UN? This episode is the sad confirmation of what I have contended all along: that Jews dominate America's politics from both the left and the right. On the left we have the Democratic party with its Jews grouped around Mrs Clinton and on the right the Republicans have been gobbled up by the Neo-Cons like Messrs. Pearl and Wolfowitz. Whoever wins the election, Bush or Kerry, the US tilt (or should I say slippery slope) in favor of Israel will continue against the interests of the whole of America and the western world. With the press conveniently squelched by its moguls, the domination of the US by Israel is perfect.

The stubbornness of the US/Israel refusal to recognize that there is another world opinion out there that believes in the rule of law is a very, very dangerous signal".

RH: International TV showed protesters carrying banners proclaiming "TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!". Chickens coming home to roost.